The Destination

This morning I packed up my room, loaded up my car, and headed over to the studio to prepare for our final presentations. The last afternoon of aTi is dedicated to every artist presenting work to the whole group. Photographers, printmakers, sculptors, painters, naturalists (because drawers sounds funny), and poets will come together to share our experiences.

This experience has been transformative. Having the opportunity to spend and entire week eating, sleeping, and making art confirms my suspicion that I am meant to share art with the world. I feel so blessed to have found the aTi community and look forward to presenting my work this afternoon and to you right now! Drumroll please...

This print is a continuation of my Home Series. I enjoy exploring my photography through other media. The clubhouse is a very simple chipboard printing technique. The horizon of trees and life guard chairs are collage and the buoys are copper leaf. I look forward to gifting this to the Indian Lake Clubhouse and continuing this series through documentation of other local destinations. 

Above is the culmination of my digital photo journey this week. The assignment was water and I enjoyed investigating the relationship between it and manmade elements. The photographs next to each other are meant to read as one. You can see this more clearly in the first blog photo or via my website (click on Jersey Series). 

While writing this blog this morning, I've had classmates ask me for help with editing, exporting, and printing. I am always happy to lend a hand and realized something while I was doing it. I am ready to teach Digital Photo this year!!

Thank you so much to the aTi community for making this possible. Thank you to everyone who has followed my journey this week and showed support of my blog. Being able to reflect on my experiences every day through photos and text made me reach deep inside every day and appreciate my family, my friends, and this artistic gift I have been given (I'm getting a bit weepy over here!).

Last night my husband told me that my 4 1/2 year old son told him, "Maybe it's OK that I miss Mommy so much because she'll get to make really beautiful photos." I am really proud of what I accomplished this week and can't wait to bring my work home to show him what it means to be an artist.